Application Process

Application Process

After visiting, if an invitation to submit an application is offered, there are several items that are part of that process. 

-Families will receive an application to submit with information about their family, children, educational philosophies, and expectations for their children. 

-We ask each family to submit recommendation forms from a spiritual leader in the life of their family or children. We would like for this to be someone that is familiar with your child(ren). Examples include a pastor, Sunday school teacher, small group leader, or other person who is able to answer the questions on the recommendation form. 

-We also ask for a family or friend to fill out a recommendation form.

-Because we are a faith-based organization, and in order to assure that our faith-based expectations align with those of the family applying, we ask each family to sign a Statement of Faith. Most of the curriculum used in our classrooms are based on a Biblical worldview. In addition to being comfortable with this being the basis of what the children are learning, parents also need to be comfortable teaching from this perspective. Please see what is included in our Statement of Faith

-After all paperwork is received, the parent(s) will be asked to schedule an interview with our leadership. This will give us a chance to get to know you better, find out what your interests are as they pertain to teaching subjects, and give you the opportunity to ask any questions. At the end of the interview, the final steps of the application process will be discussed.

A visit is required before an application for membership can be submitted. Visitors usually attend from 9am-12pm. After you fill out the online form to request a visit, our Visitor Coordinator will contact you with further information.

Due to class sizes, visits for the 2024-25 school year will not be open to the public. Please check back for future openings.