Legacy Homeschool Information

Thank you for your interest in Legacy!

Below is a quick overview of our organization.

Where and when:

We meet at a local Tulsa church every Tuesday from 9 AM-3 PM.

Who we are and what we do:

Legacy is a parent-led, faith-based, academic homeschool organization for ages nursery through high school. We keep our class sizes small so the grouping of grades varies each year, depending on the ages of enrolled students.  Typically, we have nursery, pre-k, lower elementary, upper elementary, middle school and high school groups. We offer classes in writing, history/geography, science, and electives. The electives we offer each year change based on student need. In the past they have included Drama, Art, BizTown, Prairie Primer, Computers, Speech and Debate, and Life Skills. We do NOT teach math or phonics. That is left to the parent to teach at home.

Student Expectations:

Lower elementary students (K-2nd) may have reading and some light homework that will be required to be done at home. Students in 3rd grade and older will have reading and homework due every week.  Legacy teachers are always available to answer questions throughout the week but parents are required to ensure their student(s) have completed all assigned homework before class. This helps the class run smoothly and efficiently.  We do understand that unexpected situations may occur. Thorough communication with your child(ren)’s teachers is essential to ensure your students' success.

Parent Expectations:

Legacy is a parent-led organization, meaning our classes are taught by Legacy parents.  Each mom (or dad) teaches a class, assists in a class, and helps in various assigned duties. This keeps cost low. We know this may sound daunting but we do our best to put moms in classes in which they are most comfortable.  When out of class, we provide a Moms' Table where "off-duty" moms can visit, glean information, and be available if there are needs in the classroom. We are truly a close knit family and thrive from the togetherness that is nurtured in our day together.

Some of the fun stuff:

Field trips and school parties are planned throughout the year.  For elementary and younger students, our goal is to have at least 4 field trips a year. These outings are geared toward our younger students but all Legacy families are welcome to join us. Our middle school and high school ages have “get-togethers” and service days where we can use our time and energy to be a blessing to our community.  These days are all outside of our scheduled Legacy class days and are optional, but they are a great way to connect and nurture our relationships within our Legacy family. We also plan Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day parties to celebrate with each other at Legacy around these holidays. It is always a fun time! Our high school students plan monthly Spirit Days for everyone to dress up, have fun, and show our spirit. Birthday celebrations take place throughout the year to celebrate students (and moms!) with recent birthdays. The kids love having a moment of being acknowledged by their friends and everyone loves cookie cake!

Financial Obligations:

The cost is about $15 a month per student and there is a one time fee of $50 per family at the beginning of the year that is used to cover standard supplies for the classrooms.  Families purchase any textbooks or student books that their student(s) may need for each class. Classroom fees also apply for most classes to cover specialty or project supplies for the individual classes. The total for each child will vary each year, depending on the classes that year, but we do try to keep the cost reasonable. We are a non-profit 501(c)3, so all money goes back into your child's education. 

For more detailed information:

Please feel free to look through our Procedures Manual for more details about how our Legacy family operates. Below you will also find further information about the application process.

A visit is required before an application for membership can be submitted. Visitors usually attend from 9am-12pm. After you fill out the online form to request a visit, our Visitor Coordinator will contact you with further information.

Due to class sizes, visits for the 2024-25 school year will not be open to the public. Please check back for future openings.